
InertCap series

InertCap 624 for Ethanol

InertCap 624 for Ethanol is a dedicated column for the following pharmacopoeias test.
USP: Alcohol
EP: Ethanol (96 percent)
JP: Ethanol, Anhydrous Ethanol and Ethanol for Disinfection
InertCap 624 for Ethanol stably yields the resolution of 1.5 between acetaldehyde and methanol in ethanol specified in the pharmacopoeias.

  • 6 % Cyanopropylphenyl - 94 % Dimethylpolysiloxane
  • USP Phase G43
  • Medium Polarity
  • Cross-Linked
  • Dedicated column for USP "Alcohol", EP "Ethanol (96 percent)", JP "Ethanol", "Anhydrous Ethanol" and "Ethanol for Disinfection"

Shipped with a test report on the ethanol analysis of the pharmacopoeias.

The GC and GC/MS capillary columns of GL Sciences includes a pre-shipment inspection report that describes the number of theoretical plates (N) and coating efficiencies (CE) to guarantee stable and high quality.
In addition to the regular pre-shipment inspection report, InertCap 624 for Ethanol is shipped with a test report on the ethanol analysis of the pharmacopoeias, where the resolution between acetaldehyde and methanol is described.

Note) The test report on the ethanol analysis only guarantees the resolution at the shipment. Peak intensities are not guaranteed.

Comparison of InertCap 624 for Ethanol and competitors under the conditions of the ethanol analysis

InertCap 624 for Ethanol

I.D.LengthFilm ThicknessMax. TemperatureQty.Cat.No.

Note) 5 inch cage is available on request.